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Feng Shui Services

We firmly believe and actively practicing Feng Shui in two senses.  We, not only, believe in arranging the surroundings or enironment that will help uplift one's life to the better.  We, also, believe in the powerful intersession of mighty deities to give it the push that is needed to uplift our life to the better.

There is no doubt by practicing Feng Shui, people's life will eventually get better.  There is no way, Feng Shui practices will obstruct the good energies from flowing into your life. Nobody will deny that Feng Shui will be able to identify the negative energies in any space.  Everybody will agree that Feng Shui will give positive suggestions to make you life hopefully for the better. 

In general:
For Businesses:

For residential:


Our business address is  Yin Yang Charms & Feng Shui Store 500 Bustos Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippines.

You can contact us in our email addresses are yinyangcharms@techemail.com and yinyangcharms@yahoo.com.ph.